Advancing your skills as a website programmer

Posted on October 9, 2014 at 9:21 am

Website programming is a great skill to have and has many levels to it. As a programmer there is always more that you can learn to further advance your career. It may be that you are only confident in programming in one or two languages, but there are so many that is would be useful to learn a new one if possible.

Even if you decide that you only want to specialise in one particular language, PHP for example, then you always need to keep up to date with the latest industry news and new methods that are being released. Even the most advanced programmers still have something to learn. If you trained as a programmer a little while ago then it may be time for a refreshers course to check that your knowledge is still correct.

With new browers and HTML updates constantly being updated, some of the old techniques programmers use to use simply do not work now or have been improved to save time or improve security.

Posted in Web Programming