Weekly Design News – Resources, Tutorials and Freebies (N.186)

Posted on June 24, 2013 at 3:56 pm

50 Useful CSS Snippets Every Designer Should Have

The Design of Code: Organizing JavaScript

Designing Blogs for Readers

Apple Is Using Sass, And Theyre Doing It Wrong

4 Ways to Convert Your Site to Retina

WideArea is a simple and lightweight JavaScript and CSS library (2KB JS and 4KB CSS) which helps you to write better, simpler and faster.

WideArea - Better Textarea

Kraken is a lightweight, mobile-first boilerplate for front-end web developers. It includes just the essentials: A CSS reset to ensure cross-browser compatibility, a responsive & mobile-first grid, a well-designed & fluid typographic scale, CSS3 buttons, basic form styling and optional add-ons for functionality.

Kraken - A Lightweight Front-End Boilerplate

Minimalect select replacement for jQuery that will replace select elements with a nicer and minimal styled control.

Minimalect - Minimal Select Replacement for jQuery

gif.js - Full-Featured JS GIF Encoder That Runs in Your Browser

demarcate.js is a jQuery based editor for Markdown. It lets you edit directly on a page and generate Markdown from the HTML elements.

Demarcate.js - WYSIWYG Web-Based Markdown Editor

Forecast Font is a web-font for creating multi-layered weather icons. It was created to enable you to have more control over the look and feel of the icons, rather than only having a single colour or style.

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The Design of Code: Organizing JavaScript1

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Posted in Web Design