Weekly Design News (N.226)

Posted on May 19, 2014 at 12:11 pm

You can sign-up to our awesome weekly newsletter for some more amazing articles, resources and freebies.

Worth Reading

Sacha Greif wrote the ‘The Ultimate Design Article’.
The Ultimate Design Article

Getty has made 35 million images available to bloggers for free.
getty 35 million images available to bloggers for free

Dirk Weber wrote about adaptive images that “react” and “behave” according to context.
adaptive images

1910 wrote about taking a typographic approach to email.
typographic approach to email

Joshua Gross wrote the short post Please stop using Twitter Bootstrap.
Please stop using Twitter Bootstrap

What We Mean When We Say “responsive”, by Lyza Danger Gardner.
What We Mean When We Say responsive

Ilya Pukhalski on Rethinking Responsive SVG.
Rethinking Responsive SVG

Laying out iOS UIs in code by Harlan Haskins.
Laying out iOS UIs in code

Shilpi Choudhury wrote about the future of information dashboards.
future of information dashboards

Survey says that 11% of Americans think HTML is an STD.
11% of Americans think HTML is an STD

New Resources & Freebies

Glyphr Studio – A free HTML5 based font editor.
getty 35 million images available to bloggers for free0

MVCSS – a Sass-based CSS architecture for creating predictable a maintainable application style.
getty 35 million images available to bloggers for free1

Cerberus – A few simple, but solid patterns for responsive HTML emails.
getty 35 million images available to bloggers for free2

Sticker.js – A Javascript library that allows you to create a Sticker Effect.
getty 35 million images available to bloggers for free3

Official Sass Toolkit for for RWD and progressive enhancement with Compass.
getty 35 million images available to bloggers for free4

ScrollMagic – A jQuery plugin for magical scroll interactions.
getty 35 million images available to bloggers for free5

jQuery.mmenu – A slick app sliding menus for your website.
getty 35 million images available to bloggers for free6

Blue UI Kit (PSD).
getty 35 million images available to bloggers for free7

…and finally…

Cinematics – An Illustrated Collection of Classic Films and Characters.

Posted in Web Design