Weekly Design News (N.222)

Posted on March 26, 2014 at 12:11 pm

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Worth Reading

Smashing Mag published: Typographic Design Patterns And Current Practices.
Typographic Design Patterns And Current Practices on this weeks design news

Alan Stearns wrote about baseline grids for the web.
baseline grids for the web on this weeks design news

The difference between fixed, fluid, responsive layout? Liquidapsive (Liqui-dap-sive) will help.
The difference between fixed, fluid, responsive layout? Liquidapsive on this weeks design news

Neil Wright discusses why iOS7 does and doesn’t reflect Apple’s core brand.
iOS7 does and doesn

CSS trickery and calc function from Hugo Giraudel.
CSS trickery and calc function on this weeks design news

Typekit wrote about kerning on the web.
kerning on the web on this weeks design news

Loz Gray published his notes on the recent responsive Guardian redesign.
responsive Guardian redesign on this weeks design news

Fullscreen overlay effects tutorial from Codrops.
Fullscreen overlay effects on this weeks design news

Creating Guided Product Tours like Google & Facebook.
Guided Product Tours like Google & Facebook on this weeks design news

New Resources & Services

InstantClick – A Javascript library that speeds up your website.
InstantClick - A Javascript library that speeds up your website on this weeks design news

Fluidbox – A jQuery plugin for beautiful lightboxes.
baseline grids for the web on this weeks design news0

jquery.wanker.js – The web was meant to be read, not squished.
baseline grids for the web on this weeks design news1

Vafpress – WordPress Administration Framework.
baseline grids for the web on this weeks design news2

Octocard – Highly flexible info card for every Github lover.
baseline grids for the web on this weeks design news3

Sache – Find Sass and Compass extensions for your next project.
baseline grids for the web on this weeks design news4

Command line cheat sheet & tips & tricks.
baseline grids for the web on this weeks design news5

Designer Freebies

Crates – A free, responsive & grid-based tumblog theme for WordPress.
baseline grids for the web on this weeks design news6

The Bitcoin Icon Set (100 Icons, SVG & JPG).
baseline grids for the web on this weeks design news7

Fanicons Vol.1 (40 Icons, PSD, AI & EPS).
baseline grids for the web on this weeks design news8

65 Bold & 65 Light Weather Icons (EPS).
baseline grids for the web on this weeks design news9

High-Res Polygon Backgrounds (JPG).
The difference between fixed, fluid, responsive layout? Liquidapsive on this weeks design news0

Valentines Vector Pack (AI & EPS).
The difference between fixed, fluid, responsive layout? Liquidapsive on this weeks design news1

100 Seamless Fabric Textures (PAT).
The difference between fixed, fluid, responsive layout? Liquidapsive on this weeks design news2

…some inspiration…

Inferno Typeface – A Flaming Typographic Experiment.
The difference between fixed, fluid, responsive layout? Liquidapsive on this weeks design news3

…and finally…

AIGA presents… 100 Years of Design.
The difference between fixed, fluid, responsive layout? Liquidapsive on this weeks design news4

View the Design News Archives

Posted in Web Design