Quick Prototyping: Collection of Free HTML/CSS/JS UI Kits

Posted on February 14, 2013 at 12:00 pm

The main idea of HTML/CSS/JS UI kits is to offer you a range of production-ready web elements with a consistent style, so that you quickly kick-start any new web project. Typically standard UI packs will include buttons of different sizes and types, form field elements, navigation & pagination systems, tabs, alerts and tags. But some, like the UI packs we have for you below, will offer much, much more.

InK – Interface Kit

Ink is a UI kit for quick development of web interfaces, very easy to use and expand on. Built using a combination of HTML, CSS and JavaScript it offers modern solutions for building layouts, display common interface elements and implement interactive features.
Included Components: Navigation, Icons, Forms, Alerts, Modals, Galleries, Tables, Tree View, Sortable Lists, Date Picker and Tabs.

InK – Interface Kit

Posted in Web Design