20 Popular jQuery Plugins That You Can Configure Without Any Coding

Posted on April 15, 2014 at 12:11 pm

In this post, I have collected some popular jQuery plugins that can be configured in less than a minute! Really. They can be easily implemented by selecting the plugin options that you need by using my easy-to-use Bitconfig user interface.

So, what is Bitconfig and how can it help configure jQuery plugins?

Bitconfig is a live edit and implementation system for jQuery plugins. You can actually play with the plugin settings and watch the live demo. In a way, you are tweeking the plugin functionality as per your need without coding. You can also save your configuration changes and share your implementation as a prototype with other developers. Once you are happy with your prototype, just grab the HTML and JS code snippets and you are good to go!

It might be a little early to say this, but yes, documentation can become old school!

Check out the popular jQuery plugins below and click on the ‘Bitconfig Live Edit’ button to see how easy it is to use:


Datatables jquery plugins javascript Bitconfig

Datatables is the best plugin for creating high configuration HTML tables. It is based upon the foundations of progressive enhancement and comes with many advanced functionalities and loads of customizable features. Highly recommended!


Posted in Web Design