50 CSS Tools & Resources from 2013

Posted on January 11, 2014 at 3:56 pm

In the article below we have put together a useful collection of our favorite CSS resources, frameworks, UI kits and handy tools, all from this past year, 2013. The main idea of this is to not only illustrate and highlight what a fantastic year it has been for CSS, but to also to offer you a range of production-ready resources that will allow you to rapidly kick-start your next web project.

All of the resources have been split into the following categories: Responsive CSS Frameworks, CSS UI Kits, Web Based CSS Tools, Tools to Format & Tidy CSS, CSS Animation Tools, some indispensible CSS Reference Resources, and finally a mixed bag of resources that can’t be categorized.

For the most part all of the resources are CSS-only, but there are a few (some frameworks and UI kits) that do require a little Javascript for added functionality. Here we go…

LESS Hat 2.0

LESS Hat 2.0 - A Kick-Ass LESS Mixin Library top 50 css tools resources 2013

After a year, there is a new, completely rewritten 2.0 version that brings 86 great mixins, robust workflow for editing, testing and creating new mixins.

LESS Hat 2.0

Posted in Web Design