Fantastic Google Web Fonts for Headings and Body Text

Posted on September 2, 2013 at 3:56 pm

The online Google Webfonts service provides an enormous benefit to designers around the world. Instead of paying for a subscription or hosting your own fonts locally, this allows you to include a bit of CSS and utilize custom fonts hosted in Google’s servers. Cloud access provides unique URLs where you are not responsible for managing the font files themselves. The biggest downside is a longer page load time, but when used correctly visitors will barely notice the difference.

Google Webfonts 2013 homepage screenshot

I have put together a collection of the most interesting Google fonts to be utilized in various pieces of content. These could be paragraphs, headings, footer links, navigation items, or any other common webpage items. The best method for using webfonts is to focus on the most important areas of content, not to bloat your site with 4 or 5 different typefaces. But I hope this collection may provide resources for designers who need some recommendations for new projects.

Logos & Branding

We can start off with a big category of the most unique typefaces you can use. I would recommend keeping these for your website logos, either in the header or footer of the page. The fonts are quite unique and they offers an easier method of branding which does not require an image or SVG file. When building stuff like new project launches or tutorial demos, these fonts work great as the recognizable page logo.

Crafty Girls

collection logo headline crafty girls typography


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custom google webfont gorditas logo

Berkshire Swash

berkshire swash google web font free

Freckle Face

freckle face cute google webfont

Henny Penny

unique free google web font henny penny

Lily Script One

lily script one open source google webfont

Fascinate Inline

fascinate inline google web font typography

Ceviche One

ceviche one google webfont typography

Kaushan Script

collection logo headline crafty girls typography0

Shadows Into Light

collection logo headline crafty girls typography1

Bigelow Rules

collection logo headline crafty girls typography2

Eagle Lake

collection logo headline crafty girls typography3


collection logo headline crafty girls typography4


collection logo headline crafty girls typography5


collection logo headline crafty girls typography6


collection logo headline crafty girls typography7


collection logo headline crafty girls typography8

Catchy Headings

The purpose of building unique font families in your page is for emphasis. You want visitors to be immediately impressed with the quality of your design and content. So adding custom typefaces onto your page headings would be a no-brainer! These fonts are best used for h2-h3 since they can often stand on their own. It gives visitors a sense of authority in the content when transitioning between new talking points.


collection logo headline crafty girls typography9

Fauna One

knewave google webfont open source freebie0


knewave google webfont open source freebie1


knewave google webfont open source freebie2

Cherry Swash

knewave google webfont open source freebie3

Permanent Marker

knewave google webfont open source freebie4


knewave google webfont open source freebie5

Londrina Solid

knewave google webfont open source freebie6


knewave google webfont open source freebie7


knewave google webfont open source freebie8

Chelsea Market

knewave google webfont open source freebie9


custom google webfont gorditas logo0

Lova Ya Like a Sister

custom google webfont gorditas logo1


custom google webfont gorditas logo2

Droid Serif

custom google webfont gorditas logo3

Wendy One

custom google webfont gorditas logo4

PT Serif

custom google webfont gorditas logo5

Rammetto One

custom google webfont gorditas logo6


custom google webfont gorditas logo7

Subheadings with Emphasis

Many websites use a logo with the addition of sub-text beside or beneath it. Similarly you can find websites that have smaller sub-headings built into the page content. Many developers would attribute these fonts onto h4-h5 elements, and h6 if you have the need. It is a great collection for bolded, smaller fonts with the potential of all-caps or variant CSS properties.

Mouse Memoirs

custom google webfont gorditas logo8


custom google webfont gorditas logo9

Expletus Sans

berkshire swash google web font free0

EB Garamond

berkshire swash google web font free1

Cantora One

berkshire swash google web font free2

Roboto Slab

berkshire swash google web font free3


berkshire swash google web font free4

Rum Raisin

berkshire swash google web font free5


berkshire swash google web font free6


berkshire swash google web font free7


berkshire swash google web font free8


berkshire swash google web font free9


freckle face cute google webfont0

Bree Serif

freckle face cute google webfont1


freckle face cute google webfont2


freckle face cute google webfont3


freckle face cute google webfont4


freckle face cute google webfont5

Gentium Basic

freckle face cute google webfont6

Paragraph Text

I would not always recommend using Google Webfonts for your paragraph copy. This can dramatically slow down the loading time of your page, and often you will notice the images/background fills in before the text. It can appear choppy to visitors on a slow connection. But in some cases it may be worthwhile to have your paragraphs using more customized font choices.


freckle face cute google webfont7


freckle face cute google webfont8

Montserrat Alternatives

freckle face cute google webfont9


unique free google web font henny penny0


unique free google web font henny penny1


unique free google web font henny penny2


unique free google web font henny penny3


unique free google web font henny penny4


unique free google web font henny penny5

Source Sans Pro

unique free google web font henny penny6

Quattrocento Sans

unique free google web font henny penny7

Arbutus Slab

unique free google web font henny penny8

Merriweather Sans

unique free google web font henny penny9


lily script one open source google webfont0

Droid Sans

lily script one open source google webfont1

Average Sans

lily script one open source google webfont2


lily script one open source google webfont3


lily script one open source google webfont4


lily script one open source google webfont5


lily script one open source google webfont6

Cursive & Handwritten

The use for handwritten fonts is varied in a number of ways. These can work as logos or headings on the page. But it is also possible to add emphasis in your text, blockquotes, ad displays, or similar common page elements. The cursive style can be difficult to read so it often requires larger font sizing. But without including any cursive/handwritten fonts in your website, they can still be a whole lot of fun to play with.

Monsieur La Doulaise

lily script one open source google webfont7

Alex Brush

lily script one open source google webfont8

Great Vibes

lily script one open source google webfont9

Crafty Girls

fascinate inline google web font typography0

Grand Hotel

fascinate inline google web font typography1

Indie Flower

fascinate inline google web font typography2


fascinate inline google web font typography3


fascinate inline google web font typography4


fascinate inline google web font typography5


fascinate inline google web font typography6


fascinate inline google web font typography7


fascinate inline google web font typography8


fascinate inline google web font typography9


ceviche one google webfont typography0

Clicker Script

ceviche one google webfont typography1

Butterfly Kids

ceviche one google webfont typography2

Ruge Boogie

ceviche one google webfont typography3

Lovers Quarrel

ceviche one google webfont typography4

Princess Sofia

ceviche one google webfont typography5

Final Thoughts

Google’s online repository of web fonts is steadily growing larger every month. It is an impressive feat to host a library of fonts online for the world of developers to include in their layouts. Many of the fonts can be downloaded for free and hosted locally, which makes this service even more useful. If you notice any fonts that I’ve missed please share your ideas with us in the post discussion area below.

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Posted in Web Design