Web Design
Is layout important when designing a website?
Posted on January 10, 2022 at 5:00 pm
The layout of your website is massively important and should be considered seriously when building a site. It is important to always keep in mind who your target audience is and make sure that you are designing your site with them in mind. If for example you are targeting the elderly then you may want to use a larger font, keep the site as clean and clear as possible and make it obvious where they need to click.
If your website has been designed a long time ago then it may need a revamp. It is easy to put off redesigning your site, especially if you are still getting sales and enquiries off it but you may not know how may people you are missing out on.
If you cannot afford to have your whole website revamped in one go then maybe start with your main pages or something such as the header. This will allow you to make changes over a period of time and spread the costs out.
It is often a good idea to have a look at your competitor’s sites to see what they are offering. Never be tempted to copy it exactly but making sure that your site offers similar if not a better experience is vital.
Posted in Web Design