Web Design
Make sure you test a website prior to setting it live
Posted on February 29, 2020 at 12:21 pm
Having a new website can be exciting and business owners are often keen to get the new site live as soon as possible, especially if there has already been delays. Despite this, it is vital that you carry out testing on the site before setting it live and letting the public access it.
If there are bugs on your website then customers will find it frustrating and may leave the site without completing on a sale (for ecommerce sites) or contacting you (if it is a lead generation website). For this reason it is always better to delay the launch a day or two to ensure that the site is working and displaying correctly first.
Its not just how a site is displaying that needs to be checked. All functionality like contact forms, online calculators and checkout processes all need to be checked vigorously. You should also spend some time checking the site on multiple browsers and multiple devices such as phones and tablets.
It may be that you need more than one person to test a website, as if you have programmed the site or been heavily involved in the design of the site then you may skip over things and miss them.
When testing a site make sure that it not only works as it should but that it is secure.
Posted in Web Design