Web Programming
Update or start again with your website?
Posted on September 18, 2018 at 12:32 pm
Over time websites can become outdated and if you have tried to add more and more to it, you may find that it is all a little disjointed and looks a bit messy. It may be that your business have changed over the last few years and you feel that you have outgrown your current site, or that you want to take advantage of the new technology and functionality that can be incorporated in to your site.
Sometimes you have to evaluate whether it is worth updating your current site or actually starting again. This is especially true if you are going to be using a different agency or programmer to develop your site as often it can take them longer to work out how the site has been programmed and update it that way rather than starting again.
If you do decide to start again you can often use the same content you have on your site, just change the layout and update content where needed. This should be much easier than when you first had the site designed as you will have more of an idea of what works and what you need to include in our site this time round.
Posted in Web Programming