Web Programming

Be website savvy

Posted on July 31, 2017 at 8:43 pm

With a large majority of us using the internet for online shopping and banking, there has been a massive increase with online fraud. Unfortunately many of us are simply not aware of what to look out for and innocently could be giving away our person details to these fraudsters, opening ourselves up to spam and worse still fraud.

When visiting a website it is vital that you know what to look out for. If the site redirects you on to another site and looks odd, then it probably is odd so don’t use it. Never click a link that has been sent to you without confirming it is genuine. If in doubt, visit the site through your browser by searching on Google for the website.

If the website is asking for person details, always check that you are using a secure connection as open wifi networks can sometimes be compromised.

All too often people get calls from companies claiming they have an issue with their computer and that they can talk you through how to fix it. Internet companies do not do this unless you have registered a fault with them, so if in doubt hang up the phone and call the usual number for your internet provider.


Posted in Web Programming