Web Programming

Tips to becoming a better front end web developer

Posted on March 21, 2017 at 1:43 pm

Regardless of if you have years of front end web development or if you are just starting out, there are many tips and advice that can help you take your career to the next level and become a better programmer.

Often one of the biggest mistakes many programmers make, regardless of experience, is to not plan their projects in advance. It may seem pointless and time consuming but planning and preparation can save you a lot of time and avoid costly mistakes later on down the line.

Firstly create a site map of the website to show all the pages and forms etc needed. You may want to also create a template visual showing labels for banners, ads, menus etc. Once you have this you can start to work on what plugins or programming is required for each section. If you are using WordPress for example, then you will need to find a template that fits and that you can amend. You will also need to check that the plugins that you are going to be using are compatible with the newest version of WordPress.

Always produce visuals for the client to sign off this can show them what they can expect the site to look like and rule out any errors from the start.



Posted in Web Programming