Web Design
Changing your company logo and name
Posted on February 27, 2017 at 10:35 pm
If for whatever reason you decide to change your logo and company name then you will need to make changes to your website. It is often advisable to keep the layout of your website the same to start with to give your customers confidence that they are dealing with the same company as previous, unless there is a reason for wanting to have a fresh start. You should always inform your customers of a name / logo change in advance so they expect it and still recognise your brand.
There might be a few places in which you need to change your company name and logo on your website and other places on the web. Firstly you should check through every page and make a note of where each is mentioned or featured. Don’t forget to check downloadable PDF’s, online forms and banners.
You should also change all your social media accounts to the updated version of the logo / company name and may need to log in to Google to change your business listing on Google maps etc.
When changing a logo, be sure to check how it will work in all instances for example on a white background and a black or colour one.
Posted in Web Design