Web Programming
Testing your website is vital
Posted on May 31, 2016 at 2:00 pm
There are literally thousands of websites that go live every week and even more that are changed or updated. Having a website that has bugs, meaning it will not function or look as it should, can be enough to put many visitors off using your website before they have even had the opportunity to have a look at what you have to offer.
Whenever you are changing or creating a new website it is vital to test it vigorously to ensure that everything works as it should. Sometimes you may be too close to the project to test it sufficiently so it may be worth asking another colleague or even a family member or friend to test it for you, ideally someone that doesn’t use the website often, to pick up on any problems. Do not be tempted to set a website live that contains bugs as you may find you lose customers and they will not be willing to return having been frustrated the first time they visited your website.
Posted in Web Programming