Web Programming

Analyse your checkout process

Posted on February 29, 2016 at 2:52 pm

When you have an e-commerce website that has been up and running for a few months it is worth analysing your check out process. It may be that you are losing business that could have been easily avoided by making a few small changes during the checkout procedure.

Often a common cause for people leaving a checkout process is that it is too lengthy and time-consuming. Adding in a guest checkout process that will only take the bare minimum of details from a customer may vastly improve your checkout completion rate.

Another issue is not being able to find out delivery costs until the last minute, some companies even ask for card details prior to showing delivery costs. This will make customers dubious and they do not want to have to create an account just to see the delivery costs. Ideally, you should put a separate delivery calculator on the basket page or at least give customers a band in which their delivery will be, which will then be confirmed in the checkout process.


Posted in Web Programming