Web Programming

Building mini websites

Posted on August 30, 2015 at 8:33 pm

If you have a particular product or service that you wish to highlight, then you may consider building a mini site. This allows you to tailor all the content, images and Search Engine Optimisation on the site to be very specific to the product / service.

Many people link the navigation button off their current site to a mini 3 or 4 page site to allow an easy link between the two. If you are looking at doing this then speak to a online marketing agency that will be able to come up with a strategy as to how to create this, as if done incorrectly can have a negative effect.

This is also a very good way to improve your quality score on Google Adwords as you can link the ads through to a page that is highly relevant to what you are selling. If you improve your quality score it will be cheaper for you to compete on those keywords.

Posted in Web Programming