Web Programming

Programming a website to work in all browsers

Posted on November 12, 2014 at 8:56 pm

Programming a website is a challenging task to say the least. Websites range hugely in complexity and therefore the amount and level of programming required also greatly varies.

Depending on what server the website will be hosted on and what type of functions you require, will decide what language you need the website to be developed in. Many websites are either developed in ASP.Net or PHP.

For all websites it is important that they look and functional correctly on different browsers and versions. Unfortunately many browsers render the code of a website in different ways some completely ignoring certain elements of the code, so it may take some work in ensuring that you have the programming correct for as many browsers as possible. It is near on impossible to program a site to look perfect on all versions of browsers as there are so many out there, but you should ensure that it is ok for the main ones including Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox, Chrome and Opera.



Posted in Web Programming